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This is a letter to the creative,
and to the ones who don’t even know how creative you are.
To the woman who’s ideas and goals are burning
yet there are no flames coming from that fire.
This is for the people who wanna find a hobby,
and are ready to value your time with passion projects.
You’re drumming up all the possibilities,
however, you’re swimming through the reservations.
I believe you can do the thing you’re non-stop thinking about.
I’m talking to you if you’ve got goals, some to-do’s you’re shaking around, dreams you’re ready to open your eyes to and plans you WANT to make happen.
You’re a person who wants MORE.
You are drawing the life you dream to see. You’re ready to create action out of your ideas.
I get it. Sometimes we need permission to make an idea worthwhile.
How can we justify thinking, “can it be possible?”
I’ve put my plans on hold because I didn’t give myself the permission I needed to hear. I listened to the wrong people tell about what actions to take, and I only heard the growing reservations in my mind.
I stopped listening to them and heard me.
– Become aware of your choices and if those efforts are bringing you joy + growth in the way you actually want.
– Accept the choices you make, and understand when it moves you in a certain direction. Change it if it doesn’t create the action you are exploring.
Don’t let the what-ifs, shouldn’t, and not-good-enough chatter be louder than your efforts, and definitely don’t allow other people to steer your dreams. STOP LISTENING and DISCOVER for yourself.
I’ve written down goals that at once I thought were no way in my realm.
And then they got crossed off. CHECK, CHECK!
What isn’t pursued is not found.
So yeah, if someone hasn’t told you today, let me be the one to tell you….
those ideas and goals you’ve been shifting about, they’re worth the pivot.
Yeah, they are possible, and because you’re capable and have all the ability, you can choose to make it happen.
START WHEN YOU think YOU “shouldn’t“.
Don’t reason with the part of your brain telling you the story on why you can’t or why you shouldn’t start. Stop listening to all the reasons why you can’t and LIST all the reasons why you freaking CAN.
Because… (insert any potential excuse here) will always be there, but you can choose not to listen to it.
You might have someone who depends on you, and you’re scared that you’re gonna fail if you give this a whirl.
I understand that, and I hear you, sis.
The number one defense I hear myself say is that “I don’t have the time.”
Have you not started because of that, too?
I want you to know, there is time. We create the time for the right WHY.
And you wanna know something, YOU ARE WHY.
To move yourself towards what you want, being intentional with your time is pivotal.
Do you have 7 minutes?
I don’t know why I asked that. You do.
Just start with the intention of 7 minutes, and if at the end, if all you did was progressed in an area for 7 uninterrupted minutes… Well done! YOU did it.
But what if you look at your timer and it’s now been 25 minutes? It’s amazing what groove you get into when you actually START.
Use 7 minutes as a tool to do something you’re putting off (like pulling weeds, organizing the closet, cleaning the bathroom), or to learn a new skill (like a language, building a business, or building a deck).
Once we begin working on the idea, we are much more willing to follow through with it because we started action towards it.
When you wake up, find a way to make what you want work in your life. Even if you’re dedicating a smidgen of time to it. It’s worth it. Because you are.
I don’t want you to get so worried about being bad at doing this new thing, and then you give up before you’ve tried.
You gotta stop expecting you’re supposed to know it all right away and be calm with the progression of growth. Growth is not instant.
It can take years to be fluent in another language, but you became fluent because you chose to practice it.
Guess what? You will most likely be bad. Probably really bad. I was at several things and I think it’s safe to say that most of us are!
There’s benefit in the beginnings. Trust in the process, and you’ll notice the impact.
The cool thing about being bad at something is you can choose to get better at it.
Imagine when you’ll actually be great at it. I can’t wait to hear about that!
And if there’s one motto I like living with, its that it’s about progress and not perfection. Remember that when you fall into those moments of doubt.
One way to create action is by writing your goals and ideas down, then speaking about them.
– You are more likely to give energy to your ideas when you see them everywhere.
– You are more likely to stay accountable when you speak your truth and share it out loud.
There is so much power in what we write and speak about. So express good things for yourself. You’ll be surprised by the domino effect it can generate.
>>> START by writing/recording your goals, aspirations, wants, DREAMS.
>>> Encourage them by SPEAKING them out loud. Tell a friend or just the universe.
For instance, here’s what I am currently thinking about:
I choose to speak about purpose, self-exploration, travel, and creativity.
I am learning to be an understanding partner, give encouragement, and practice the importance of perspective.
What are you working towards? Are you speaking those truths out loud and sharing them with someone so they can hear you?
Thinking about doing something has no action.
Do the thing, create the action.
If you really want to become a photographer, do more than think about it…
If you want to work for yourself… offer your energy to it. Speak it. Live it. be it.
>>> If you want to be able to jog two miles without stopping, BEGIN with 5 minutes.
>>> START learning that new skill by setting x amount of time a day/or a week to dedicate to it.
>>> DO what you can with what you have NOW
<<< CREATE more passion by trying and being bad at something new >>>
Practicing something, even if it’s the minimum amount of time you can spare, will only increase your chances of getting better at it.
Learn so you can create the life you want, and not have it created for you.
If you have access to a library or the internet, then you have access to resources that can teach you to do MANY things, Google is an incredible resource.
WHY NOT use it!?
As Gary Bishop has said in his book, Unf*ck Yourself, “You change your life by doing, not by thinking about doing.” (Side note, definitely recommend)
shine light onto what you want
You know what you want, because you’re dreaming about it, writing about it or telling your sister all about it.
The value of our time can be measured by our actions and because we don’t get this time back, let’s be intentional with those choices, because, we have that ability.
Tell me in the comments below if there’s a reason that keeps holding you back.
Share with me what you are ready to give attention to, and how you will make that happen.
Stop overthinking it, and go after it. Create your action.
So, go on now… you can do it. I believe in you!
Thanks for reading my blurb to you! I hear so often the excuses of people I care for when it comes to sharing their gifts, and creativity. I hear incredible people tell me that they can’t do it, they can’t trust their gut. It bums me out when creative people are listening to their mind’s chatter vs. putting their art out there. I want people to take more action within themselves, see what it can create for their lives.
How do you feel?
Tell me in the comments or send me a message. Whatcha thinkin’?!
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